6 Benefits of Plums for Health sfpinfo | Health usage

6 Benefits of Plums for Health sfpinfo | Health usage

The health benefits of plums are obtained thanks to the content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals contained in them. This fruit is good for consumption for a variety of health problems, from overcoming constipation to preventing osteoporosis.

Lower Blood Pressure, improved digestive, heart, and bone health,

You can consider consuming plums as part of a healthy diet. The reason is, this fruit is rich in fiber and low in calories. Therefore, the benefits of plums for health are not small.

Various Benefits of Plums

Plums contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that are good for the body, such as vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and copper.

Besides being rich in fiber, plums are also rich in antioxidants, such as anthocyanins and phenols. These ingredients make plums have many health benefits.

The following are some of the benefits of plums for health:

1. Lose weight

In 1 plum contained about 30 calories. Thanks to this low number of calories, plums can be consumed by people who are undergoing a weight loss program.

Also, eating fruit as a snack can make you feel full longer, preventing you from consuming more calories from other foods.

2. Boost the immune system

The benefits of plums in increasing body resistance come from the vitamin C and phenol antioxidants in them. When consumed regularly, plums can prevent damage to body cells due to free radicals.

3. Maintain eye health

Vitamin A is needed to maintain eye health. Plums are one of the fruits that contain vitamin A with levels of around 11 micrograms in each fruit. By regularly consuming this fruit, eye health can be maintained.

4. Prevent constipation

Overcoming and preventing constipation naturally is the next benefit of plums.

In 1 plum contains about 1 gram of fiber. Even though the amount is not too high, the fiber in plums is useful for compacting the stool and expediting the process of expulsion.

One study even revealed that consuming prunes has been shown to be more effective in treating constipation than other types of laxatives, such as psyllium.

5. Maintain blood sugar levels

Even though it is high in carbohydrates, consuming plums does not cause an excessive increase in blood sugar levels. This is because plums can increase levels of adinopectin, a hormone that plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels.

In addition, the natural fiber in plums also plays a role in inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.

6. Prevent osteoporosis

The benefits of plums in preventing osteoporosis are quite unique because bone health is usually associated with consuming dairy products. Several studies have shown that the benefits of plums can reduce the risk of bone loss, such as osteoporosis and osteopenia.

In addition to preventing bone loss, plums can also restore porous bone density. This is because prunes can increase the levels of hormones involved in bone formation.

In addition, prunes also contain several vitamins and minerals involved in bone formation, such as vitamin K, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

To get the various benefits of plums that have been described above, you can consume them regularly. However, don't just rely on plums. You also need to meet your body's need for nutrients by consuming other nutritious foods.

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