There are several recommendations for low-carb grains that are suitable for consumption by people on a diet. Even though it is low in carbohydrates, this type of grain still contains other nutrients that are beneficial to the health of the body.

Grains or cereals are a source of carbohydrates, nutrients that are useful for providing energy for the body to be active. Although beneficial, excessive consumption of carbohydrates can cause weight gain and increase the risk of health problems, such as obesity and diabetes.

8 Low Carbohydrate Grain Recommendations sfpinfo

Therefore, to lose or control weight, some people choose to eat foods low in carbohydrates and calories.

Low Carb Grain Choices

Grains are often a food taboo for people who are on a diet program, especially a carbohydrate diet. In fact, there are many types of low-carbohydrate and high-fiber grains that can actually support the success of the diet.

Here are recommendations for low-carb grains that you can choose from:

1. Brown rice

Brown rice is certainly no stranger to Indonesian people. Low-carb grains that are popular for this diet only contain about 24 grams of carbohydrates in every 100 grams.

In addition, red rice is rich in antioxidants, such as polyphenols, anthocyanins and flavonoids, fiber, as well as various vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

Not only good for supporting the success of the diet, consumption of brown rice can also reduce the risk of various diseases, such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

2. Oats

Oats are a popular type of grain for weight control. In one cup (35 grams) of cooked oats, there are approximately 110 calories, 8 grams of fiber, and 21 grams of carbohydrates. The low-carb type of oats is rolled oats, not instant oats which actually have high carbohydrate levels.

Oats are rich in beta-glucan, which is a type of fiber known to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, thereby lowering the risk of heart disease. These low-carb grains are also good for consumption to control blood sugar levels and improve digestion.

3. Quinoa

In 1 cup or about (150 grams) of quinoa, only stored about 34 grams of carbohydrates. Quinoa also contains 9 essential amino acids which function for the formation of muscle tissue, bones, skin and blood in the body.

In addition, quinoa is a source of fiber and polyphenol antioxidants. These nutrients can help improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk of various chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension.

4. Corn

Corn is one type of grain that is low in carbohydrates and calories. In 100 grams of corn, it contains only 95 calories and about 20 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, corn is rich in fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, magnesium, folate and phosphorus.

These healthy grains can be processed into various dishes, from corn on the cob, roasted corn, to popcorn. To be healthier, it is recommended that you eat corn or popcorn without the addition of butter and salt. This is because these two ingredients can increase cholesterol and blood pressure so they are not good for your health.

5. Barley

Barley or barley is a type of grain that is rich in fiber and low in carbohydrates. In one cup or about 150 grams of cooked barley, there are about 6 grams of fiber and 38 grams of carbohydrates.

Not only that, these seeds are also a source of antioxidants and fiber, and contain a variety of other nutrients, such as protein, B vitamins, folate, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and copper.

Thanks to its various nutritional content, barley is good for consumption to lower cholesterol levels, improve digestion, and control blood pressure and blood sugar.

6. Bulgur

Bulgur, also known as ala, is a type of whole grain made from wheat. Bulgur has long been known by the people of the Middle East and the Mediterranean as a food ingredient that is beneficial for health.

These grains are low in carbohydrates. In 150 grams of cooked bulgur, there are only 22 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, bulgur is rich in protein, fiber, B vitamins, manganese, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium.

7. Flax seeds

Flax seeds are low in carbohydrates, but rich in fiber and a variety of nutrients. In 1 cup or about 150 grams of flax seed, it contains 45 grams of carbohydrates and 40 grams of fiber. Not only that, these seeds are also a source of omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.

Thanks to these nutrients, regular consumption of flax seed can nourish the digestive tract, lower cholesterol levels, maintain ideal body weight, and control blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

8. Chia seeds

Another type of grain that is low in carbohydrates is chia seed. Carbohydrates in 100 grams of chia seed is only 42 grams. Foods known as superfoods also store protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and various vitamins and minerals.

Chia seed is the right choice for those of you who want to maintain an ideal body weight. In addition, these seeds are good for preventing and treating constipation and controlling blood sugar levels.

So, those are some types of low-carb grains that can be an option for a healthy diet menu. Apart from consuming the types of grains above, you are also advised to continue to consume other healthy foods so that you need nutrientssimu sufficient.

Don't forget to exercise regularly, get enough rest, manage stress well, and limit drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking so that your health is maintained.