Keto diet the 9 effects of ketosis that nobody tells you about (good and bad)


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If you have considered following it to lose weight, you should first know the changes that your body will experience. Some are positive, but others are downright unpleasant.

The keto diet can be very beneficial for weight loss, if you do it right. For this, it is worth remembering that you have to say goodbye to foods as common as rice or bread, be careful with fats and carefully measure the amounts we take. But, if you have considered following this eating plan, there are a number of side effects that your body may experience after implementing it that you should be aware of. To do this, we have put together a list of the 10 most common effects on the body so that you are aware of everything before starting the keto diet.

With this we do not mean that you should not follow a keto diet, we simply give you enough information and tools so that you can assess for yourself the pros and cons of joining this type of diet. Just as you know it's really important to eat low-carb, high-fat foods if you want to be in ketosis, or fat-burning mode, you should also know that it can lead to bad breath or a sugar craving.

What is the keto diet

Before talking about the side effects, it is convenient that we tell you what this type of diet consists of. The first thing to do is to know that it is based on eliminating or minimizing all carbohydrates and betting everything on fats and proteins. It has always been a diet applied to athletes, but for a couple of years its use has spread among those seeking to lose weight.

What is ketosis: symptoms to know if you are burning fat

It is also known as a ketogenic diet, since it is a type of diet whose objective is the creation of ketone bodies. What are ketones? Metabolic compounds generated in the body in response to the lack of energy reserves.

Side effects of the keto diet

As we said, the Keto diet has a series of secondary effects, especially when the ketone bodies that are formed after the "burning" of fat deposits by metabolism.


1. Insulin levels drop

If you're on a normal diet, eating foods with glucose spikes your insulin, but if you're in ketosis your insulin levels plummet, explains Steve Hertzler, MD, nutrition scientist. "By having lower insulin levels, it is believed that fatty acids are more easily released from the body's fatty tissue, allowing them to be more easily converted into fuel," explains the specialist.

2. You will be less hungry during the day

Protein is very satiating and, since you consume more of it on the keto diet, it is normal for the feeling of satiety to accompany you throughout the day. Plus, keto can work as an appetite suppressant, Hertzler says. The increased production of ketones is believed to be related to the deactivation of the appetite centers in the brain.

3. You may have discomfort

This diet can have a few unpleasant side effects, and one is the so-called 'keto flu'. The symptoms usually appear in the first few days, while the body gets used to eating fewer carbohydrates. The most common complaints are headache, nausea, dullness, muscle cramps, and tiredness. These symptoms can last for a week, but there are ways to reduce the pain: staying hydrated and getting enough sleep can help combat tiredness and cramps.

4. Bad breath

You may need to carry gum with you all day. “Some people may notice changes in their breath odor while on a ketogenic diet,” says Hertzler. But why? "One of the ketone bodies produced by the liver is acetone, which has a very strong odor," explains the expert. However, many people who are in nutritional ketosis don't notice any change in their breath odor, so you may be off the hook because it's not a guaranteed side effect.

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5. Constipation

If you're not watching your intake of fiber and other nutrients, you may experience digestive problems while on the keto diet. “Those who follow it often name constipation as common, and this is due to low fiber intake,” says Hertzler. Try adding high-fiber, low-carb supplements to relieve symptoms and avoid these constipating foods.

6. Your body slows down

“As you adjust to the diet you may notice that you get more tired, but once your body has fully adjusted, you shouldn't have a problem doing strength training,” says Pamela Nisevich Bede, RD. You may not want to exercise too much at first if you're sore all over and lacking in strength, but once your body is in ketosis, your athletic performance can be boosted. “Many athletes say that intense training improves with ketosis, whichthat makes it worth going through those difficult weeks,” he explains.


7. You will have sugar cravings

Giving up carbs means you'll stop consuming both added and naturally occurring sugars in food, so be prepared for some brutal sugar cravings, although this varies from person to person: if you were consuming hardly any sugar before, you may not you crave sweets. Check out these 20 Foods With Excess Sugar.

8. Kidney clots could form

Some doctors believe that eating a high-fat diet may promote kidney stones. However, not all doctors believe that the keto diet is the only one to blame for this. One of the causes why kidney stones form may be a lack of hydration. Eating a lot of meat without drinking enough water may be the reason why some people suffer from this disease. So when you follow this diet keep in mind the need to stay hydrated.

9. Dehydration

Dehydration is a symptom that usually occurs at the beginning of starting the keto diet. You'll know you're dehydrated because headaches appear, you're tired, your mouth feels dry, and your skin feels dry... The reason it appears shortly after starting it is that the body loses water when it stops consuming glycogen. In addition, ketosis causes you to eliminate more water through the urine, in the same way that when doing sports you will sweat more and dehydration will increase. What is the solution? Drink more water than you used to before starting the keto diet, since water is essential.

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