Eat This 1 Fruit Twice A Week To Fight Diabetes | sfpinfo


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could this fruit be the key to healthy blood sugar and a long life in Italy hey guys welcome back to another exciting article today we are going to talk about something that might just surprise you life expectancy in Italy is actually five years longer than in the United States despite us having access to the best medical technology and doctors in the world well Italy May disagree with that but to me we are the U. S the technology is better but wait before we start pointing fingers at Americans or Italians let's take a look at what the Italians are doing right one thing.

That stands out in their diet is eggplant not only it's delicious but Eggplant also great for diabetics now I know some of you might be thinking eggplant that's boring but trust me if you know how to cook it you will love it today I'm going to share with you a few tricks and tips that will get you excited about incorporating some more eggplant into your diet so sit back and relax and let's talk about this amazing fruit you heard me right it is a fruit welcome back to my blog where we are diving into the health benefits of different types of foods all the time today.

We are talking about eggplants and I've got to say these purple veggies are seriously impressive not only do they come loaded with essential vitamins and minerals but they also pack a serious punch when it comes to antioxidants these powerful substances the antioxidants help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals which happens to be a lot in diabetics and pre-diabetics which can contribute to a range of chronic diseases not only diabetes but everything that comes along the line with diabetes including cancer so with a specific type of antioxidant we are talking about here is called anthocyanins which gives eggplants their vibrant color you can trust that they are doing some serious good for your body if you see a colorful vegetable so keep reading to learn more about this incredible benefits of eggplants today looking for a new veggie to add to your diet that won't leave you feeling like egg static eggplants is your ticket these bad boys are not only versatile in the kitchen but they also have some pretty impressive health benefits.


Of Eggplants they're high fiber content means that they can help regulate your blood sugar levels by slowing the rate of sugar absorption in the body plus they contain polyphones that can reduce sugar absorption and increase insulin secretion for even more blood sugar control so next time you're grocery shopping don't be a chicken and add some eggplants to your card and give your taste buds and blood sugar levels


something to cheer about listen up folks if you are looking to cook up some eggplant you may want to reconsider your choice of cooking oil and the sauce as it turns out vegetable oil you know the stuff you have been told is healthy can contain some sneaky oxidants if you're trying to get antioxidants not accidents okay these oxidants which can throw a wrench in your eggplant dish and tomato sauce don't even get me started sure it is delicious right but it's also packed with sugar not exactly the best ingredient for a healthy meal so if you want your eggplant to shine try opting for different cooking oil like olive oil or avocado oil maybe go easy on the tomato sauce right eggplants can be a tricky food to navigate for those who are new to it too so you mind find yourself like feeling bloated or or gassy after indulging in this deliciousness once you realize hey wow that's really good but if you're not you're not alone in this digestive dilemma eggplants are known to contain oxalates well which can potentially increase the risk of certain types of kidney stones called calcium oxalate Stones now how do you prevent that well first of all if you have enough calcium in your diet.

It will bind the oxalates so you don't have to worry about them so every time you contain a food with a high in oxalates you incorporate some calcium containing foods and you're good to go okay because calcium oxalate when it binds in the intestinal system you poop it out when you don't bind the oxalate oxalate will find the calcium in your blood in your kidneys and it'll bind there and then you have a stone okay so be careful about that this is important to understand but don't let that oxalate story stop you from enjoying the rest of the vegetable you know like I said at some calcium containing foods it could be a yogurt it could be whatever you know in Middle East what they do is they drink yogurt drink which is goes very well with eggplant and meat dishes as well most of you are not used to it but I'm sure Middle Eastern audience are cheering up right now yeah we love this drink but just be mindful of your portions and listen to your body's cues if you're having problems start slow and then increase your portions later after all folks life is too short to miss out on the pleasures of a good eggplant Parmesan right thanks for watching Remember to click on


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